Monday, September 5, 2011

Tropical Storm Sarge

Great job of filling time today by Wheeler and T-Mac in this 8-0 laugher versus the Gutless Braves...

The next star of any major sitcom... Now accepting offers.

In case you missed it, Wheeler and T-Mac double teamed an amazing story about Sarge and his recent mishaps on the road in Cincinnati in which is rightfully called "Tropical Storm Sarge". The story basically outlines how Sarge recently fell asleep in his hotel room on the road with the sink running, and due to Wheels' "expert analysis" of a situation, they discovered that there was an overflow. We say "expert analysis" because when he saw the wet floor, he called the hotel engineer instead of just knocking on Mr. Matthews' door to see what was going on. After a bunch of dumb extra details that were unnecessary they get to the best part of the story. When Sarge is confronted about the situation, he tells Wheels, "I can't believe they sent us to a hotel with faulty sinks." In classic Sarge fashion, he shows yet again that he is not only an amazing baseball analyst, but also just a flat out entertainer in every sense of the word. If he isn't picked up for a sitcom soon, we question the integrity and talent evaluation of every major network television channel in the United States of America. Thank you for the great question from an amazing new twitter segment, "Ask the Booth." We look for more great things like this to come.

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