Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Great News about Embarrassment

Breaking News from a few days ago…

The Eagles got destroyed on Thursday night by what apparently is the world’s greatest team: The Pittsburgh Steelers.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind about just how bad Thursday night was for the team we affectionately know as the Birds…

-       Michael Vick had 3 interceptions (impressive in just ½ a game)
-   Dion Lewis (who looked great in the 1st preseason game) had 1 fumble
-       Michael Vick had a passer rating of 13.1 (wow)
-       The defense gave up 403 yards of total offense
-       Our all-star secondary got torched for 3 TDs

We’ll be honest – on the surface (and deeper) this was just a terrible performance.

But with all of this, comes a silver lining, and we here at continuedsuccessphilly like to look at that silver lining as often as possible. SO… Here goes nothing…

This was the slap in the face that this team needed. Badly. This team looked like anything but the ‘dream team’ the other night, and maybe now guys like Vince Young will keep their mouths shut so that they don’t continue to paint giant targets on their backs.  The last thing this team needs is to give anybody bulletin board material. We are already garnering Miami Heat comparisons, and opening our mouths and talking about it will only drive other teams to get fired up for us. Everyone keeps talking about the potential of what this team can become, but we are not going to get there unless everyone keeps their asses in the film room and working hard. Talking about it (as the Miami Heat showed us) has nothing to do with the final product. If they gave championships for hype, the Heat and the Eagles would already be crowned champions for the next 3 or 4 years, but they don’t (shocker). 

Not only should this serve as proof to for keeping mouths closed, but also the humble pie that they received should force them to work harder. Remember the last time you talked a big game and then got beat by your in-state rivals AT WHAT YOU GET PAID TO DO? We don’t (Except for that National Monopoly Championship that one time, but that’s another story). But now the Eagles do. And guess what – it should definitely have pissed them off. If any of these guys were thinking that they could just show up and win with talent, they better think again. Anyone that started easing off of the throttle in camp needs to reassess what they’re doing, and we’re pretty sure that they started doing that as of Friday because no one is going to want to feel that shitty again all season.

Finally, the last bit of unknown, good news is…

They were all hammered the whole game. That’s right – this was a complete fluke. Could a molester, a ‘Dancing with the Stars’ winner, and a peewee offensive line really put up numbers like that on us? (Probably not) The only explanation is that Mike Vick and the boys all went out way too hard literally right before game time. We can only imagine how hard it was to play in an actual game with all of the liquor in their systems. In all honesty, that was pretty freaking good considering that latest bit of information – almost heroic, actually. Phew, what a load off of our minds.

Look, we had to lose at some point. Let’s just be thankful that they get it out of the way now and just iron out details for the REAL season. This really is No Big Deal.

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